A magnificent ornamental grass.
A plant 50-70 cm high, forming a dense mass of leaves and lush spreading panicles, reminiscent of a fountain of tiny streams.
This is one of the easiest plants to grow. It forms a nice clump on any free patch of land. By planting it in a new place every year, you can change the appearance of the garden.
Reproduction: exclusively by seeds, sowing them in open ground when the soil warms up. The seeds are small (1.0 g = 2500 seeds). Seedlings appear in 10-12 days.
You can sow the seeds at the end of June and then have material for cutting until late autumn. Watering when the soil dries out and 1-2 feedings with nitrogen fertilizer after thinning (distance 10-12 cm between plants) increase the number of stems and increase the height of the plants.
Growing conditions.
Eragrostis is content with minimal conditions, since in nature, plant sometimes grows on the poorest soils. All that needs to be taken care of is the choice of a well-lit place. These are light-loving and very cold-resistant plants that are not afraid of drafts. Eragrostis is not demanding to soils and there is only one condition for success - the exclusion of all damp, swampy soils and places where there is a high risk of stagnant water or a high level of groundwater. Field grass will do well in ordinary garden soil, as well as infertile, sandy, rocky soil. But if you plant it in fertile and high-quality soil, this cereal will surprise you with its size, beauty, and the number of panicles.
Care: this plant does not need special care. This plant is from that rare category - "plant and forget." To increase the number of panicles and make them larger, it is enough to carry out only a few watering procedures per season during periods of drought and to apply at least one nitrogen fertilizer at the beginning of the season. The plant will need weeding only at the stage of growing young shoots. Cutting for bouquets is carried out throughout the second half of the season, varying the color of the panicles.
Use: Eragrostis is an excellent arrangement material for both fresh and dry bouquets.
The plants form a dense array of leaves with a delicate cloud of panicles, so they are widely used in landscape design:
* as a plant decorating gardens in the second half of the season or only in autumn (adjusting the sowing time);
* to create the effect of wild thickets;
* in large arrays;
* in landscape ensembles;
* as one of the brightest cereals in natural compositions;
* for textural and color accents - as a delicate, weightless plant with a unique play of the finest panicles, eternally in motion, a weightless-looking cereal with very dense turf;
* for decorating alpine slides and rockeries;
* for filling the soil with a solid texture, contrasting with stones or large soloists;
* in mixborders - as one of the weightless partners for flowering shrubs and perennials;
* for bringing visual lightness to flower beds and borders, landscape arrays;
* in pot culture;
* for textured spots on lawns as a soloist;
* for borders, especially near a terrace or recreation areas.
The best partners are plants with silvery foliage (sage, woundwort, wormwood), Joepyeweed, Astilbe, bells.